Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Eat Anjir Fruit How To Gain 20 Pounds In 1 Month?

How to gain 20 pounds in 1 month? - how to eat anjir fruit

IM as needed only 90 pounds and really to win bid this month. Everyone says that eating at McDonalds, but that does not help. I really want to gain wieght in my theighs. How many calories should I eat per day?


Finn'sMa... said...

Forget about calories and forget about McDonald's! want to gain weight, but remain healthy. Try whole milk, total fat-free yogurt, but you use butter, olive oil or coconut oil in its raw vegetables / popcorn, whole wheat pasta, etc. avacados coma. Eating eggs. Basically, a lot of eating healthy fats - they do not take the extra weight not only help you reach your goal weight. I eat them at regular intervals and without gaining weight, I will stay the same ... So when you reach your optimal weight gain. Avoid processed foods. Doing everything from scratch. Try frozen fruit smoothies, yogurt and low-fat totals a little green fodder Protien Powder additional calories (seek Vega smoothy infusion or a similar sentence fooProduct d) Try to do everything ourselves. y''hacer good. Good luck!

JJ said...

You can not gain 20 pounds in a week. Most people can do about 2-3 pounds per week, which would be about EUR 8.12 per month. In addition, you may not want to eat McDonalds a lot, because the weight is unhealthy and you feel bad. You should try eating a balanced diet from all food groups. Try to get about 2000 calories per day, and you will see the impact.

VanessaF... said...

Stop Fast Food, you have to develop a heart attack or high blood pressure. In order to gain the weight in the thighs not only squats and work according to the weight, build muscle in the thigh. Eat healthy foods such as rice, potatoes, vegetables, only salad, etc., and boiled fish and lean meat. Athletes do not eat, and fat, fat and salt and serve fast food.

Jasmine Y said...

TSD eat McDonalds because u'll start collard soul food and things like cookies and cakes, soft ice cream and milk, but not much. Treatment of 50 caliroies to 60, which should do the trick, if you drive up. in a month or lookin to be good.

christen... said...


Jessica said...

especially sweets and fattening things), but not gain much weight at once, would go to the hospital for choking or something.

chihuahua momma said...

eat lots of fried food, pays very quickly

Maura said...

Eat foods with protein and healthy fats, but not fat and gross htings McDonalds. penut trying to butter, olive oil and whole milk.

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