Why do illegals and their supporters say that illegals can't get welfare,,THEY CAN AND DO,,A LOT? - off whote
Everything you need to do is to have a child, to know hmm, how many illegal over 35 that we do not have children, yes, I thought so
and why they say most people on the welfare of the people whot trash, the fist of his term, when the clone,,,, pop-American legal seconds remain 70 percent are white, white and more people being of the Hispanic population is 17 percent, while the well-being of whot is 4 percent, and that's counting is not illegal, I just wanted to clarify that some run as a statistician for their racist minds
I think it must be admitted to a hospital in Nice, you can help with your hallucinations.
Diablito, bedfellow RE. Everyone knows they can get welfare because they may be for fraudulent documents, but what is their fault that our social workers are not asking to be able to show a limited legal status? Why can we not have to catch a better system for the selection of these fake SS # 's at the time of the request, before the adoption of their services, why not something for employers who hire these people? "You can rant until Her blue in the face about the benefits they receive or not receive, but until they get some ba ** s and enforce our own laws, and other growth that will continue to happen. ie. When I was in school (if you do not) and has learned to forge the signature of his mother to leave the class once it has learnedthat office staff have acquired, it is not cool, I can do this all the time to buy them? "You do or not do, because it was a way to get what he wanted and needed, yes or no?" Well, my friend.
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